August 28, 2016


Contributing to the Pirate Party

If you share our values and wish to be part of the adventure, here is what you could do:

Meet the Pirates:

Co-create the Pirate political project:

Stay tuned and spread the news:


  • Report any bugs or missing information on our website, wiki or on our social media accounts
  • Help us find free/affordable venues where we can hold public meetings

Financial support:

Support us by donating small amounts (a small but regular fee is ideal)

Becoming a member of the Pirate Party:

If you want to be a member, the amount should be at least 1€ and the communication with the payment should include your email address using ‘at’ instead of @ e.g. edward.snowden at You need to have made a member contribution within the last year in order to have voting rights at a General Assembly.

Our account number is: IBAN: BE90 5230 8062 2132 (BIC: TRIOBEBBXXX)

Don’t expect an immediate confirmation with a member card, but don’t worry, we will keep track of things and at least let you know about the next GAs. On the other hand, the information about donations or memberships will never be published or disclosed.


Still have a question on how you can contribute, or have other ideas? Contact us! Our email : contact at

Or fill in this form: